Work has been disappointing lately. Lots of unmotivated students, too much apathy. I don't do well when those around me are so negative.
However, looking over my novels and my work over the past few years has boosted my spirits a little. I finished my first novel in 1997. Since then I have finished seven others, and I have come up with ideas for four more, all of those partially written. Some of the seven other finished novels are not bad, in my opinion. There are a few I think I can really make something out of. There a few that need a bunch of work.
My goal is to rework them all and make them good reads, but most of all, my goal is to publish them all and more after that.
I hope that HERE, THERE BE DRAUGR does well with the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award. I'm plannng to send out a few queries this month to see if I can find an agent for one or another of the finished novels.
I just know that even if I do get published, and even if I were to make any money from it (which is semi-doubtful with this market), that I woulnd't quit my teaching job. There is far too much material there.