The Day after the Funeral

Yesterday was pretty hard. I didn't know that I would actually have a reaction to being in church for a funeral, but I guess that my upbringing in the Lutheran Church really left its residue on me. There was something so comforting about having my father spoken of and verbally laid to rest (even though he'll be on our shelf for a little while).
There was such a different crowd there than for the visitation. So many of my friends came on Sunday to be there for me; it was really touching. But of course during the workday, only family came to the funeral. It's what I expected, but it was such a more solemn feeling. There was nothing but me and my raw emotions with family everywhere, all of them grieving for their own reasons and not able to be supportive for more than a few minutes. Except Scott and Amy. They were so kind. They waited to help us at the very end and walked us to our car. It was comforting, and Amy was just as sad as we were.