Yesterday was my 34th birthday. Not too much happened since I'm getting over a pretty serious case of Strep. I didn't really want too much to happen, either, since I don't generally like surprises and I'm suspicious of gifts--too many times of pretending to like things I didn't. I don't mean to sound ungrateful, but I'd rather people saved their money than buy me something ridiculous that I don't want, something I'll end up sticking in the closet somewhere just in case they ask if I still have it.
My wife usually knows what to get me--books and movies. She used to try to get me clothes, but she ignores the size I actually am and gets the size she thinks I am. It's sweet that she thinks I'm smaller around the middle than I am, but it makes for some awkward moments. This year she came through again with some books, Donnie Brasco, Far and Away, and the first season of Night Court, which used to be one of my number one shows back in the day. She reminded me how much I respected Harry (the judge) and it all came back to me. He was one of a few characters on TV that I've identified with.
Dad gave me money, Mom gave me a stuffed duck (it's cute...I saw it somewhere and had told her it was), and my brother gave me a phone call, which he said was entirely inspired by his dog.
Overall, due to illness, a bit disappointing, but I don't feel disappointed. I feel slightly phlegmy and congested. And how different is 34 from 33 anyway? Half the time when someone asks my age, I can't remember which number comes after the first 3.