Agent for The Way the Wind Blows
So I have signed a contract with an agent at Writer's House for my hockey book The Way the Wind Blows. I won't name her here for reasons of privacy, but I will call her S. Everything has been going well so far. I have done one rewrite to clean up some problems that S noted. I agreed with everything she had to say about the changes. And now that this draft is finished, I think it's a much stronger book.
I've always known the ending was lacking something and when S pointed out that Bryan's ending does not really tie up Bryan's story, I knew she was right. After discussing possibilities with Mara and writing out a few of them, I settled on one I think will work. He no longer has to go to a juvenile facility at the end, but he is off the hockey team. And he does have to own up to what he's done.
I think no matter how much I deny it, this novel is just as much about Bryan as it is about Sidney. It started out as Sidney's book, but it's changed. I have to give Bryan his due.