My woman and I went to see this Tom Cruise/Jamie Foxx film the other day. I'm still processing what I think about it. I'm fairly sure I liked it. Okay, let's just say I liked it. It was surprisingly philosophical for the first hour or so. Jamie Foxx is a cab driver who wants to start an exclusive limo company and says driving the cab is only temporary. We've all heard that before. It's not overly surprising when he says he's been driving the cab for 12 years. At that point, we think we understand Max (Foxx) and what he's all about. But he does have some surprising scenes. Jamie Foxx does a fantastic job of displaying emotion through facial expression only. When he impersonates Victor, he takes on an air of authority, yet as a viewer, we still know he's scared out of his mind.
Tom Cruise is also good, though I wouldn't say he was as memorable as Jamie Foxx. Cruise is a "bad" guy, but he's multi-faceted. He's a killer for hire, but he's not a brute. In fact, he's where the majority of the philosophy comes from. If I could remember a line of his, I'd type it here...[insert humorous, yet deep Cruise quote] The relationship between the two men is what makes the film one to ponder when it's finished. I expected a relationship to brew between them, and luckily the writer and director (one guy? five? who knows?) didn't give in to cliche, but made the two characters individuals, therefore allowing their relationship the same individuality.
I guess I'll have to give it a thumb up. The end was just. The acting superb. Of course, the woman said she was glad she'd seen it and she liked it, but she didn't need to ever see it again. I don't know if I agree with that. I think I'll want to see it again in a year or two.
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