Tuesday, February 12, 2008

My Hockey Book

I'm supposed to be working on revising my novel for an agent, but I'm having a bit of a hard time getting going. The Scott Triemel agency contacted me by phone a few weeks ago and asked if I'd be willing to change a few things and then they'd be willing to agent my book. I listened to his recommnedations, and I thought all of them seemed to be things that would definitely better my manuscript.

So I've been going over the book after doing a little bit of plotting and thinking. He said the whole bit with the aunt is a red herring, and I agree, but I also want there to be a family history of insanity. So I want to leave her in somehow. I thought maybe I'd just scale her back and Sid could find out that she hadn't died from cancer like he'd been told, but that she had killed herself somehow. Then he can still question his sanity without having to waste time looking her up on the internet and driving out to her place. I did like some of that scene with the aunt, though. I liked the idea that he had another relative that would be there for him, sane or not.

He also said I need to make a bigger connection between Tyler and Sidney so it's clear why Tyler would hold a grudge for so long. I think I have that decided. I'm going to amp up what I have and add a new piece to it...

I really wanted to have it done after a month, but I think I'll need a little more time. Too much going on with work and with Shelby having Cushing's disease. I'm not getting hardly any sleep lately, and neither is Mara.

Maybe by March THE WAY THE WIND BLOWS will be finished and returned to the Scott Triemel agency. In the meantime, I'm attending the boys' hockey game tonight for inspiration.


At 2/13/2008 5:40 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! That is great news for your novel. I am very excited for you. You can do it, I have every confidence in you. J.


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