Dexter on DVD
I've been watching the Showtime series Dexter, which I bought on DVD. It just came out this past Tuesday. I've been mildly excited about its arrival, but I don't know what I think of it.
I know a few things about serial killers, and as I get older, I find them more and more disturbing. As a teen, I thought they were interesting enough to learn a few things about them, but I can only read so much before I get a little sickened. Still something about Jack the Ripper has always been intriguing. How did he get away with so many brutal murders in the middle of London? I've read about him, done the London walk, and talked to the foremost Ripperologist in the world, the one who gave Johnny Depp his information before he made the film From Hell.
So watching Dexter is interesting in some regard. I have a hard time believing some of it, however. The basic premise is great: a guy who is a would-be serial killer is raised by a man who helps him supress his urges through hunting animals and through teaching him how to be "normal." The problem I have with it is: why does Dexter care about being normal and fitting in? If he is as he says--empty inside--what part of him makes him want to be exceptable to others? I don't buy it. I like the idea, but I think the basic mindset of the serial killer pervents him from having concern for others. Most serial killers are sociopaths who feel nothing for others.
Dexter seems to have a wide birth of emotions, though no sexual needs. Another odd thing. The one thing sociopaths can do is feel physically. He should enjoy food, sex, sleep, and the like. He makes it clear that he enjoys food, but I don't get why he isn't interested in sex.
Dexter seems to have sympathy for victims of other killers. He has sympathy for his girlfriend (!!) and her children. He has sympathy (somewhat) for his sister.
Dexter kills killers. That's how he's used his "curse" in life. But in order to kill killers, doesn't he have to have a certain hatred/dislike for them, or doesn't he have to care that the killer has no more victims? I don't understand why he cares.
The father in his life taught him how to fit in, trained him how to ambush people, trained him how to shoot a gun and use a knife, and behind it all, he insisted that he did it all to save Dexter from killing innocent people and being sentenced to death. I think that's a fascinating idea--a new twist on the father-son relationship. I understand the dad's motivation, but I don't understand Dexter's acceptance of it. He would have to care what the father thought of him to comply to his wishes.
Oh, and holy use of the F word. Jeez. It's constant. And the only nudity is of women with really flat boobs. Boo. If they have to have nudity, they should make it worthwhile.
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