Thursday, July 06, 2006

Superman Returns

I went to see Superman Returns with Mara and my friend J. (I will use "J" as he refers to me as "M" on his site.) I was expecting nothing.

When I was a kid, I really really liked Superman the Movie with Christopher Reeve and I liked Superman II even more (campy, though it is). I even put up with Richard Prior in Superman III because I liked Reeve so much in the role of Superman. I was devastated when Reeve had his accident, though I never really said anything to anyone and I didn't blog about it. It was so unfair. Such a freak accident. And he was such an athlete. Heartbreaking.

So when Superman Returns finally became a movie (and thankfully without Nicolas Cage as the man of steel), I was prepared to be unmoved as Reeve was no longer Superman (and passed on, to boot). I was so happily surprised. I really enjoyed the movie. Kevin Spacey is always a favorite of mine, and I thought his Lex Luthor was great. He was funny and yet he gave me the creeps at the same time. And Brandon Routh (is it Brandon?) was such a good choice for Superman. I think for some of the movie, he was playing Christopher Reeve, but that was okay with me.

And I was pleased that they didn't cop out and make Richard White a jerk so it would be "easy" for Superman and Lois to be together. Lois wouldn't be with a jerk, and Richard was actually an okay guy who cared about her and their son.

Cool movie. I want to see it again before it is out of theaters. I loved all the little hat tips to Superman the Movie. Very cool.


At 7/08/2006 7:21 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

For men of our generation, Reeve WAS Superman. No ifs, ands, or buts. I so agree with you there. And, like you, was devasted by his accident and eventual passing.

It took longer for me to accept Routh, but I got there. Will he forever be identified as Superman? Will he make any sequels? Time will tell.

Many nods to original movie. In fact, I'm beginning to think it was basically a remake of the entire story.

My biggest problem: Parker Posey. She is the Queen of Indie Movies (and deservedly so). She did not belong in this movie.


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