So you might notice that this is not Lilah. We got horrible news today about Lilah. She has a utero-sphincter disability (which means she can't control when she pees or poops), or so they think. (Remember when she piddled on me the first time I met her? Also check out the poo on my green American Eagle shirt from the second time we met her.) The breeder offered to let us have her for the money we've put down, but she said she'd understand if we didn't want her since taking her would mean $1000 or more surgery and months of problems. We had to decide against getting her. With all of the bladder problems with Riley last year and after just putting Maggie down, we really can't handle anything taxing. Potty training will be hard enough. The good news was that the breeder said they would keep her; they aren't going to put her down, thank God. So we decided today to look at other puppy options. We went out to Princeton today to visit another breeder. This is his only 7 week old female. What's weird is that the moment he handed her to me, I knew she could be my dog. She was sweet and playful and so cute. We spent about an hour there, most of it playing with the dog. Tentatively we have named her Kayleigh. We can't pick her up until next Friday, but I think that'll be good. A week with just Riley and Shelby means I can read a little between trips to school and my dad's. By the way, this picture does not do her justice. She's adorable. And she's "red" or "foxy" as some breeders call it. I don't think she looks very red, but maybe when she's older.

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